Thursday, March 21, 2013

My Game of Thrones Season 3 Premiere

On March 19, 2013, I had been up for excess of twenty-four hours. On my way back from work (Batmanning around town) in the two hour reprieve that I'd gotten, I found out that at that moment the premiere of season 3 of Game of Thrones was taking place. I did what every sleep-deprived rational adult on his way back from work in the back seat of a rickshaw at 7 am in the morning does, I ripped off Community's Abed from three episodes back and had my own Game of Thrones premiere. Right inside my head. It's what anyone would do, right?

Here is the harrowing account of that premiere, all storified for you:

Umar Ahmed is one of the finest presences on the entire twit-verse. And when we say twit-verse, we don't mean people on Twitter, we mean people who're twits.